2024/2025 Summer Letter
July 8th, 2024
Dear Parent/Guardian and CCCHS Student:
We at Cleveland Central Catholic hope this welcome back packet for the 2024-2025 academic year finds you well and enjoying the summer with family and friends. In the spirit of collaboration this year we will be hosting family nights by grade level. Our first family night will be Tuesday, August 6 for all families of incoming 9th graders. On Tuesday, August 13 we will be hosting parent meetings/schedule pick up for all 10th, 11th, & 12th graders. More information is enclosed. Our hope and our prayer is that we will work together to provide a learning environment where every student succeeds and is committed to learning. Below, please find some important information for the 2024-2025 school year.
Cell Phone Policy & Yondr Pouches: Phones are not to be used during the school day. Every student is assigned a personal Yondr Pouch. While the Yondr Pouch is considered school property, it is each student’s responsibility to bring the Yondr Pouch with him/her to school every day and keep it in good working condition. All head phones, ear buds, or other electronic devices must be in the student’s locker during the entire school day.
Dress Code: The Dress Code will be strictly enforced. Students are required to wear CCC Red or Blue Banded Bottom Polo Shirts at all times. Solid blue, white, or red undershirts may be worn underneath the polo’s. Shoes should be in solid natural colors (Brown, Gray, Black, and Tan) and you can choose from Sperrys, Loafers, Vans, or Dress Shoes. NO Ugg Slides or Croc’s of any kind may be worn. Students may continue to wear approved CCC sweatshirts, quarter zips, and sweaters over the polo. Shirts can be ordered by contacting Mrs. Durham at 216-441-4700 x 227.
Regular School Attendance: If a student is absent or tardy, the parent/guardian is required to notify the attendance office at 216-441-4700 x301 to have the absence or tardy to be excused. State scholarships (vouchers) cannot be renewed if a students unexcused absences reach 20.
One Call Now: We use the One Call Now system to provide you with timely information and reminders including school closings. Please program your phone(s) to recognize the One Call Now phone number when messages are received (877-698-3261).
Stefanski Scholarship Program: In a spirit of service and collaboration families and students will have opportunities to earn Third Federal Stefanski scholarship funding to help defray the cost of tuition. Service opportunities are available all year long and include community service projects at and around the school, as well as in your own community. More information will be provided in early August.
Enclosed you will find information and important dates for the beginning of the school year. Please review the information carefully as you look at your calendars for August.
The following school forms must be completed and submitted by August 9. All forms must be submitted in order for a student to attend classes once school begins:
● Educational Contract for each student (Please note that the Parent/Student Handbook is published on our website.)
● Student/Guardian Policy Contract (for each student)
● Student Information Form (for each student)
● Emergency Medical Form (for each student)
● Prescription and Non-Prescription Forms (if applicable)
● Free/Reduced Lunch Income Eligibility Guidelines (This form will be sent out separately at a later date to all families.)
These forms are available on our website:82vk.866kq.com (Document Central – see bottom-left corner of the main page next to the Ironman.)
Calendar of Events for August:
9th Grade Family Night – Tuesday, August 6 6:00 PM in the Ironman Center
Athletics Fall Sports Parent Meeting – Tuesday, August 8 6:00 PM in the Ironman Center
10th Grade Parent Meeting – Tuesday, August 13 6:00 PM in the Ironman Center
11th Grade Parent Meeting – Tuesday, August 13 6:30 PM in the Ironman Center
12th Grade Parent Meeting – Tuesday, August 13 7:00 PM in the Ironman Center
9th Grade Orientation – Thursday, August 22 7:55 AM – 1:00 PM
Orientation for incoming ninth graders. Students should report to the gymnasium in the Social Center by 7:55 AM. Students will engage in activities to get to know their classmates and their new school. The orientation day will end at 1:00 PM. Lunch will be provided. Uniform is not required for Orientation Day because there will be some activities on our athletic field. For orientation day, students should wear appropriate T-Shirts and Pants.
9th Grade first day – Friday, August 23 7:55 AM – 2:40 PM
Classes for ALL Students – Monday, August 26 7:55 AM – 2:40 PM
First full day of classes for all students. All students are expected to arrive dressed in proper uniform on that day. Lockers will be assigned by homeroom, and will have a school combination lock on them. Students will be responsible for keeping their lockers locked at all times and will be charged to replace a lock if it is removed.
We hope you enjoy the remainder of your summer break.
Mr. Simon, Sr. Allison Marie, Mr. Crawford, Mrs. Boykins, Mr. Goode, Mr. Belveal